Coda Sessions Five Years Later…

A brief retrospective of Coda Sessions, its aims & achievemtents, and what happened…

Coda Sessions began in October 2018 with high hopes & elaborate dreams of promoting upbeat Jazz themed events with the inclusion of multimedia content production.

This marks the 5th anniversary celebration of @CodaSessions; what does this mean?!

This brief story explains the journey from an inside perspective, where did Coda Sessions come from, and what happened?!

Live music is a great outlet that contributes heavily to the UK’s economy, whilst enriching the lives of many within all communities; this is my journey & how my own expectations were challenged with my own experiences.

Cambridge presents a diverse atmosphere for live events to flourish, even during tough times, but we struggled to maintain the upkeep & resources required to consistently continue promoting events; it can be costly if a succession of events do not meet required demands.

A massive thanks to all who participated in our journey & we look to the future to see how the events landscape develops within Cambridge, whilst determining if it is suitable or appropriate to return!

See you again soon!


The Return of The Stream!

During the long days of the lockdown, many have strived to continue their performances in the form of live streams; particularly with videos and various accompaniments. This entitles some exciting opportunities for exclusive showcases, although it isn’t the same aesthetic as a live event.

While we are in the final phases of preparation for some video-based live streams and subsequent footage from past events, we’ll be testing the (digital) airwaves with some experimental music, ranging from downtempo, lofi, hip-hop, jazz, and dance music, amongst variations within!

We’ll keep everybody posted about times/dates for future performances and previews, but for now here’s a cool widget that you can check out whenever we go live!

COVID-19 Update

We regret to inform you that our next two programmed events are currently being postponed to ensure public safety regarding social distancing measures. We will continue to keep you updated regarding our current programme and any rescheduled performances, although at this stage we wish to honour any events beyond the advisory period within the next two months.

During this time of inactivity, we intend to work on smaller-scale showcase projects for local artists and performances, without intended audiences, also looking into music production/songwriting.

We’ll be putting up some more videos soon, to keep you all entertained, so sit tight & stay safe everyone!