Coda Sessions Five Years Later…

A brief retrospective of Coda Sessions, its aims & achievemtents, and what happened…

Coda Sessions began in October 2018 with high hopes & elaborate dreams of promoting upbeat Jazz themed events with the inclusion of multimedia content production.

This marks the 5th anniversary celebration of @CodaSessions; what does this mean?!

This brief story explains the journey from an inside perspective, where did Coda Sessions come from, and what happened?!

Live music is a great outlet that contributes heavily to the UK’s economy, whilst enriching the lives of many within all communities; this is my journey & how my own expectations were challenged with my own experiences.

Cambridge presents a diverse atmosphere for live events to flourish, even during tough times, but we struggled to maintain the upkeep & resources required to consistently continue promoting events; it can be costly if a succession of events do not meet required demands.

A massive thanks to all who participated in our journey & we look to the future to see how the events landscape develops within Cambridge, whilst determining if it is suitable or appropriate to return!

See you again soon!


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